1993 RESULTS...
Seven rounds to be counted. (one more than half of eligible rides)
*** denotes rounds excluded.   Prepared by Jim Watson
OC  out-of-class
  R.#1 R.#2 R.#3 R.#4 R.#5 R.#6 R.#7 R.#8 R.#9 R.#10 R.#11 R.#12 R.#13 R.#14  
CHAMPIONSHIP Akr. Lan. Day. Dix. C Dix. C Sale. Stony Stony Day. Berea Lan. Tor. Tor. N. Ph TOTAL
Tie for first. Tie is broken by T.I. rule E.5 in T.I. rules and procedures for 1993. In case of a tie on Championship points
 at the end of the series, than the championship points accumulated in the additional events will be used as tie breaker points.
1 Stephen Oehrle 25 25 18 30 30 30 *** *** 30 25 30 25 25 25 318
2 Mike Huddleston *** 21 25 *** *** 25 30 30 25 30 25 30 21 30 292
1 Stephen Oehrle 25 25 ***18 30 30 30 *** *** 30 ***25 30 ***25 ***25 ***25 200
2 Mike Huddleston *** ***21 25 *** *** 25 30 30 ***25 30 ***25 30 ***21 30 200
3 Jeff Hursh 30 *** 21 *** *** 21 *** *** *** *** *** *** 18 *** 90
4 Didier Monin *** 30 30 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 30 *** 90
5 Gil Reed 21 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 16 *** 37
  R.#1 R.#2 R.#3 R.#4 R.#5 R.#6 R.#7 R.#8 R.#9 R.#10 R.#11 R.#12 R.#13 R.#14  
EXPERT Akr. Lan. Day. Dix. C Dix. C Sale. Stony Stony Day. Berea Lan. Tor. Tor. N. Ph TOTAL
1 Gil Reed *** 30 30 ***18 30 *** 30 ***21 30 30 ***25 *** *** 30 210
2 Pierce Ferriter *** 18 *** 25 25 *** 25 25 *** *** ***18 30 30 *** 178
3 Charlie Gilfert *** 25 *** 30 21 *** *** 30 *** *** 30 *** *** 25 161
4 Robert Brown *** 21 *** 21 18 *** 21 18 *** *** 21 *** *** *** 120
  R.#1 R.#2 R.#3 R.#4 R.#5 R.#6 R.#7 R.#8 R.#9 R.#10 R.#11 R.#12 R.#13 R.#14  
ADVANCED Akr. Lan. Day. Dix. C Dix. C Sale. Stony Stony Day. Berea Lan. Tor. Tor. N. Ph TOTAL
Tie for first. Tie is broken by T.I. rule E.5 in T.I. rules and procedures for 1993. In case of a tie on Championship points
 at the end of the series, than the championship points accumulated in the additional events will be used as tie breaker points.
1 Jim Zuroske 30 25 25 25 25 30 *** *** 30 21 21 30 21 *** 283
2 Paul Barrows 25 *** 21 *** *** 25 30 30 18 30 *** 18 30 25 252
1 Jim Zuroske 30 25 25 25 ***25 30 *** *** 30 ***21 ***21 30 ***21 *** 195
2 Paul Barrows 25   *** ***21   ***   *** 25 30 30 ***18 30 *** ***18 30 25 195
3 Jim Watson 21 30 ***18 ***18   *** 21 *** *** 25 ***18 ***16 25 25 30 177
4 Richard Passman ***18 D-N-F 30 21 21 ***18 *** *** 21 25 30 21 ***18 ***21 169
5 Jim Wilder   *** 21   *** 30 30 *** 25 21 *** 16 18 *** *** *** 161
6 Royce Klein   *** 18 ***15 16 18 *** 21 18 16 *** ***15 *** 16 *** 123
7 Ron King *** *** 16     *** *** 25 *** *** 25 *** *** *** 66
8 Jesse Baughman   *** 16   ***   ***   *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 16 *** 18 50
  R.#1 R.#2 R.#3 R.#4 R.#5 R.#6 R.#7 R.#8 R.#9 R.#10 R.#11 R.#12 R.#13 R.#14  
SENIOR Akr. Lan. Day. Dix. C Dix. C Sale. Stony Stony Day. Berea Lan. Tor. Tor. N. Ph TOTAL
1 Steve Williams *** *** 30 30 30 25 ***21 ***21 25 30 *** 25 ***25 ***25 195
Tie for second. Tie is broken by T.I. rule  E.5 in T.I. rules and procedures for 1993. In case of a tie on Championship points
 at the end of the series, than the championship points accumulated in the additional events will be used as tie breaker points.
2 Dave Watson *** 18 18 *** *** *** *** *** 21 25 21 30 30 21 184
3 John LaFollett 30 *** 21 *** *** *** *** 25 18 *** *** 21 21 30 166
2 Dave Watson *** 18 ***18 *** *** *** *** *** 21 25 21 30 30 21 166
3 John LaFollett 30 *** 21 *** *** *** *** 25 18 *** *** 21 21 30 166
4 Bob Willard *** 30 *** *** *** *** 25 30 30 *** 30 *** *** *** 145
5 Jerry Huddleston *** 25 25 *** *** 30 D-N-F *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 80
6 Russ Driver *** 21 *** *** *** *** 30 *** *** *** 25 *** *** *** 76
  R.#1 R.#2 R.#3 R.#4 R.#5 R.#6 R.#7 R.#8 R.#9 R.#10 R.#11 R.#12 R.#13 R.#14  
INTERMEDIATE Akr. Lan. Day. Dix. C Dix. C Sale. Stony Stony Day. Berea Lan. Tor. Tor. N. Ph TOTAL
1 Mark Spring *** 25 30 *** 30 *** *** *** 30 *** 30 30 *** 30 205
2 Randy Tucker *** *** 18 *** *** 30 30 30 21 *** *** 25 *** 25 179
3 Doug Klein *** 21 25 30 *** *** 18 25 18 *** 25 ***16 *** *** 162
4 Marvin Brown 30 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 25 *** *** 21 30 *** 106
5 Kurt Horak *** *** *** *** *** *** 25 21 *** *** *** 18 *** *** 64
6 Peter Aemmer *** *** *** *** *** *** 21 18 *** *** 21 *** *** *** 60
7 Dan Smith *** 18 21 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 39
8 Ron King *** 30 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 30
  R.#1 R.#2 R.#3 R.#4 R.#5 R.#6 R.#7 R.#8 R.#9 R.#10 R.#11 R.#12 R.#13 R.#14  
NOVICE A Akr. Lan. Day. Dix. C Dix. C Sale. Stony Stony Day. Berea Lan. Tor. Tor. N. Ph TOTAL
1 Adam Blumhorst *** 25 ***21 25 30 30 30 30 30 *** *** *** *** *** 200
2 Scott Denton ***21 *** 30 30 25 25 *** *** ***18 *** *** 30 25 30 195
3 Ray Kozlowski 25 30 25 21 ***21 *** ***21 ***21 ***21 *** 30 25 30 *** 186
4 David Greenwell *** *** *** *** *** 25 25 25 25 *** *** *** *** *** 100
5 Joseph Clegg *** *** *** 18 *** 16 *** 18 16 *** *** *** *** *** 68
6 Peter Aemmer 18 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 21 *** 25 64
7 Dennis Brown *** *** *** 16 *** 21 *** *** *** *** *** *** 21 *** 58
8 Mike Mihalich *** *** *** *** *** 18 *** *** *** *** *** *** 18 21 57
9 Kurt Horack 30 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 18 48
10 Richard Mackey *** *** *** *** *** 30 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 30

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